Throughout her career, Nayer has worked on numerous artistic mediums, including drawing, oil painting, ceramics, wood and plaster carving, “Ayeneh Karri” (the ancient Persian art of mirror work), and metal fabrication techniques. With such an extensive and diverse artistic background, it took some time for Nayer to realize her calling. Nayer chose to begin her water inspired craft after hearing the sounds of water in her head. Her fascination with water, in combination with her diverse artistic background, led to the creation of her unique Water Art™. The ability to fuse together all of her artistic abilities into a thematic element of water has allowed Nayer to spread the idea of water being present in one’s life and home.
Nayer believes that water is an important part of our existence, and she hopes to communicate this idea through her art. She sums up her sentiment with this, “98% of the human body is composed of water, ¾ of our planet is covered by water. Water is in the soil, the air. Water is in every part of nature. Seeing, feeling, and hearing the sound of water brings peace and tranquility to many aspects of our lives.”
Understanding the depths of water and its impact upon life on Earth, Nayer has dedicated her life to displaying the tremendous life sustaining and healing qualities of water.
“By exploring and journeying through this art form, it is my hope and desire to create balance and harmony in my work and my life. Perhaps in this way, my work may touch the lives of others." -Nayer Kazemi